The Web Content Editor allows you to manage, publish and edit the information displayed to customers on the public area of your training portal.
List Pages
1. Click the ‘List Pages’ tab
2. ‘Edit Page Detail’ – This will open your page content in an editor which allows you to edit your page content and apply styling
3. ‘View Page Content’ – This will open the content page so you can preview how the page looks in the frontend with all the styling elements applied to it
4. ‘Add Sub Page’ – This feature will allow you to add a subpage which will be displayed in both the backend and fronted of your site. Adding a subpage to a top menu page will automatically add a link to a dropdown feature in the frontend
5. ‘View Page Archives’ – This will open a list of archived versions of the selected page. You can also use this feature to save a copy of an old version of your page before making any changes to it. To do this simply go into your archived pages and click the ‘Duplicate’ button
6. ‘Delete this page’
Adding a new page
1. Click ‘Add page’
2. Add a page heading
3. Type the URL of the page
4. Toggle YES and add a redirection URL if you want the page to redirect to an existing webpage
5. Set the status. Published means the page can be viewed on the frontend. Draft means the page won’t be seen on the frontend.
6. Set where you want the page to display by toggling YES in desired locations
7. Click ‘Save’
Once you have finished you can add meta and content to the page
8. Click the ‘Meta link’ to add meta keywords and meta description
9. Click the ‘Content’ link to populate the page content
The communities tab will only be present if you have the Recruitment Module enabled.
1. Click the ‘Communities’ tab to go to the home page
2. Click in the CK Editor to edit the introduction text
3. You can use the styling buttons (if required) to fully personalise the introduction text
4. Click ‘Save Changes’
5. Click the ‘Edit’ icon to edit an individual community
6. Click the ‘View page’ icon to view the frontend of the community
7. Toggle Yes to enable a redirection and type in the redirection URL (if required)
8. Click ‘Save Changes’
9. Click ‘Sync communities’ to update all changes on the frontend
Styling a Job Post
Click the ‘Edit’ icon in step 5 of Web Content Editor (above) to be taken to a specific Community.
1. Click on the ‘Edit’ icon next to the job post that you would like to style
2. Use the CK Editor to change the styling of the copy, add pictures and more
Editing Jobs Content
On this page, you can edit the content displayed for the ‘jobs’ page of this Community.
1. Click ‘View page’ to be taken to the page you are editing
2. Click the box (use the CK Editor if necessary) to change the content that is displayed on the main jobs landing page for this Community
3. Click the box (use the CK Editor if necessary) to change the content that is displayed when a visitor submits their CV for a job within this Communit
Editing Future Work Content
On this page, you can edit the content displayed for Future Work postings for this Community
1. Click ‘View page’ to be taken to the page you are editing
2. Click the box (use the CK Editor if necessary) to change the content that is displayed on the main future work landing page for this Community
3. Click the box (use the CK editor if necessary) to change the content that is displayed when a visitor wishes to register their interest for future work within this Community
4. Click ‘Save’ to save changes
Submit Sitemap
By submitting the structure of your site to search engines you are indexing it in a better way. It is recommended that you perform this action after adding new content or updating existing content. This action can be performed only once per hour. Sending your sitemap to the search engines will not guarantee a higher ranking on the search results, although it might have a positive impact in the long term.
1. Click the ‘Submit sitemap’ tab
2. Click ‘Submit to search engines’
Slideshow Manager
1. Click on the ‘Slideshow manager’ tab
2. Click ‘Add banner
3. Toggle ON to enable banner
4. Add a banner title
5. Toggle ON if you want to show the banner title
6. Click choose file to upload your banner image
7. Add a banner caption if required
8. Set the banner title or banner caption font colour
9. Add a banner link if required
10. Set the banner duration
11. Toggle ON to show banner layer
12. Click ‘Save’ to save changes