This feature allows admins to have a comprehensive insight into all users’ external training activities. Once the worker has imported external training records, the admin can view and accept or decline external training records.
Adding an External Training Course for Review
Workers can add external training certificates to their Training Record by following these steps:
1. Click ‘Add / edit training’
2. Edit the date when the training was completed
3. Enter a description of the training
4. Upload a document relevant to the training. This field is mandatory
5. Click ‘Add’
Accepting Training Records
1. Click ‘Training Records’
2. Click on the hamburger icon
3. Click ‘Edit / view record'
4. Click the link to download documentation for review
5. Edit the activity date (if required) by clicking in the text box
6. Edit the activity name (if required) by clicking in the text box
7. To approve the training record, click in the drop-down box and select ‘Approved’
8. Click ‘Save’ to save changes
When the worker clicks ‘Add / edit training’ they can see that their training record has been approved.
Delete a Training Record
1. Click ‘Training Records’
2. Click the hamburger icon
3. Click ‘Delete record’. The Training Record will now be deleted from the user’s portal