Enhance the skills of your workers by adding or importing courses to your online training platform.
1. Click on the ‘Categories’ tab
2. Click ‘Add category’
3. Add a category title
4. Click ‘Save’ to Save changes
Adding a Course
1. Click on the ‘Courses’ tab
2. Click ‘Add course’
3. Add a course title
4. Add a course unique identifier if needed
5. Set the pass rate for the course
6. Add a search keyword to help learners find the course easily
7. Assign a certificate
8. Assign to a category
9. Enter the training time needed to take the course
10. Set Course Status. Published: Learner will be able to take the course. Draft: Learner won’t be able to see the course in the portal
11. Toggle Yes to email the manager a copy of the course certificate once the learner has completed the course
12. Select the group(s) that you want to assign the course to appear on the learner portal
13. When all Settings have been filled out, click ‘CPD Category’ link
14. Enter the CPD hours
15. Select the CPD Category
16. Click ‘Save’ to save changes
Building the Course Skeleton
1. Click on the ‘Courses’ tab
2. Click ‘Edit course’
3. Click ‘Add section’ to add multiple sections
4. Click to edit the section name, enter the section name, and then click the ‘save’ icon
5. Use section icons to build the course section as required. Section icons include:
- Re-arrange Items
- Add Section Page
- Add Section Practice Test - Practice tests are not graded and will not affect the learner’s overall grade
- Add Section Test
- Add Section Scenario
- Add Section Survey
- Delete Section
Course Actions Items
1. Click on the ‘Courses’ tab
2. Click ‘Edit course’
3. Use page icons to view your course. Page icons include:
- Edit this page – insert templates and creative assets through the CK Editor
- Re-arrange items – re-order pages in the section
- Move this page – move the page into another section
- Duplicate this page – copy the page
- Preview this page – view the course from the backend
- Import SCORM to this page – you must have SCORM files to use this option
- Delete this page
Creating Course Pages Using the CK Editor
1. Click the ‘Edit this page’ icon
2. Create pages similar to how you would in a Word Document using the CK Editor options
3. Click ‘Save’ to save changes or ‘Save and Close’ when finished
Creating Course Pages from a Template
1. Click the ‘Edit this page’ icon
2. Click the ‘Templates’ icon, select desired template and add page content
3. Click ‘Save’ to save changes or ‘Save and Close’ when finished
Uploading Images and Audio Files
1. Click the ‘Edit this page’ icon
2. Click the image or audio button (depending on
which option you need)
3. Click ‘Browse Server’
4. Click ‘New Folder’ – it’s best practice for each course to have its own media folder
5. Name the folder and click ‘Create New Folder’
6. Click the new folder
7. Click ‘Upload File’
8. Click ‘Choose File’ and select the relevant file from your hard drive
9. Click ‘Upload’
10. Hover over file and click ‘Insert’
11. Select centre align (optional) and click ‘OK’
Adding a Video
1. Click the ‘Edit this page’ icon
2. Click the ‘Templates’ icon
3. Click ‘Page start, full-width video’
4. Click ‘Source’
5. Replace code between <div> and </div> tags with the embed code for the video that you would like to use (as highlighted in the image)
6. Click ‘Save & Close’
Adding Rated Response Question
1. Click ‘Add Section Survey’ from the relevant section
2. Click ‘Edit this Assessment’
3. Click the ‘Edit’ icon if you would like to add introduction text at the beginning of the assessment
4. Click the ‘Edit’ icon if you would like to add summary text at the end of the assessment
5. Select ‘Add Rated Response Question’
6. Click ‘Edit Question’ to add content to the question
7. Enter your question or statement in the box
8. Click ‘Add Option’ to add as many ratings as you need. For example, these can range from 1 to 5 or from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree
9. Click ‘Add Option’ to add as many questions or statements as you need. Everything entered here will be rated by the options created above
10. Click in the Model Response Box to add additional information about the question
11. Click ‘Save’ to save changes
Adding a Test or Practice Test
1. Click to add a practice test or a test
2. Click the ’Edit’ icon
3. Click the ‘Edit’ icon if you would like to add introduction text at the beginning of the assessment
4. Click the ‘Edit’ icon if you would like to add summary text at the end of the assessment
5. Select from True or False, Multiple Choice, Short Answer or Re-order Question from the question editor
6. Click ‘Edit Question’ to add content to the question
7. Enter your question or statement in the box
8. Choose your correct answer by clicking the radio button
9. Click to type your correct answer. This will be shown after the test has been submitted
10. Click the radio button if you require the learner to achieve the correct answer
11. Return to step 5 to add multiple questions and when finished click ‘Save’ to save changes
Course Settings
After you’ve added a course, a few additional options can be configured in the course settings.
1. Click the ‘Courses’ tab
2. Click ‘Course settings’ icon
3. Using the drop-down menu, select the course Expiration type. By selecting this, your users will lose access to the course after a specified amount of time has passed.
4. Using the drop-down menu, select the course Reinduction type. Select this if a user needs to re-submit a course after a specified amount of time has passed. This generally applies to users who complete annual re-induction courses, such as Workplace Health & Safety.
5. A training-based skill can be acquired when completing a course that has a skill assigned.
6. Click ‘Save’ to save changes
File Upload Validation
To address the insecure file upload issue, the following validations have been implemented for files uploaded to our system:
MIME Type Validation: Ensures the file's MIME type matches allowed types.
Extension Validation: Checks that the file's extension matches allowed extensions.
File Size Limit: Verifies that the file size is within the allowed limit as per server configuration.
Blacklist Validation: Ensures the file extension is not on the blacklist.
Current Blacklist: The following file extensions are prohibited from being uploaded:
exe, bat, sh, php, pl, py, js, cgi, jar, com, vb, vbs, msi, scr, cmd, ps1, jsp, asp, htaccess, html, xml, dll, sys, drv, pif, cpl, hta, lnk, iso, apk, bin, deb, rpm, dmg
Export Course
1. Click the ‘Courses’ tab
2. Click the ‘Export’ button
3. Click ‘Export course’ and a zip file will download to your hard drive
Add SCORM Course
Our platform allows the import of SCORM with pass or fail reporting capabilities. There are two options for exporting SCORM. These files can either be added to the page, which allows for the addition of other course pages, or as a separate course entirely, which will have the course sitting by itself. Should you wish to have more detailed reports, it is recommended to use our platform to build your assessments.
To populate a SCORM course ‘by itself’ with no other course pages required, steps are as follows:
1. Click ‘Add SORM course’ tab
2. Add a course title
3. Add a course unique identifier if needed
4. Add a search keyword to help learners find the course
5. Click ‘Choose File’ to upload a SCORM file
6. Select the SCORM version
7. Select tick box for ‘SCORM to open in a pop-up window’ when workers access it
8. Assign a certificate
9. Assign to a category
10. Enter the training time needed to take the course
11. Set Course Status. Published: Learner will be able to take the course. Draft: Learners won’t be able to see the course in the portal
12. Toggle Yes to email the manager a copy of the course certificate once the learner has completed the course
13. Select the group(s) that you want to assign the course to appear on the learner portal
14. Click ‘Save’ to save changes
Import Course
1. Click ‘Import course'
2. Click ‘Choose File’ to upload the course zip file from your hard drive or drag and drop the course zip file into the box
3. Assign a course certificate from the drop-down box
4. Click ‘Import all’
1. Click the ‘Marking’ tab
2. Click the ‘Edit’ icon for the course you would like to mark
3. Select if the answer is correct or incorrect
4. Click ‘Save’ to notify the user
More – Global Settings
1. Click on the ‘More’ tab
2. Click ‘E-commerce settings’ from the drop-down
3. You will be taken to the System Settings