Registration Forms
Enable or disable a particular user type registration form.
Note: If a form is not enabled for public access here, only administrators can access it from the frontend provided they have logged into the portal first.
- Click the ‘Registration/Forms’ link in the right hand navigation
- There are two toggle options for Worker Registrations. The top toggle is to enable Worker Registrations. The second toggle is to allow public access for Worker Registrations
- There are two toggle options for Contractor Registrations. The top toggle is to enable Contractor Registrations. The second toggle is to allow public access for Contractor Registrations
- There are two toggle options for Business Registrations. The top toggle is to enable Business Registrations. The second toggle is to allow public access for Business Registrations
Business Approval
We have introduced a new Business approval process to enhance the platform's approval process experience. Below is a summary of the features and improvements included:
Enable Approvals Toggle:
- A toggle has been added to the settings > Registration/Forms page.
- When the toggle is set to ON, the business approval process will be enabled on the platform.
Explaining Approval Scenario:
3. Register as a Business user from the front end by clicking the "I am a Business" button.
4. After filling in all required fields, click the "Register" button below.
5. After clicking the register button, a pop-up message will display, indicating that the request will be sent for approval. Once it has been reviewed, the user will be notified via email.
6. Once you click the "OK" button, user account will be created.
7. Log in as an Admin user to approve the business user.
- Navigate to User Accounts >> Click on User Approval
8. The User Approval section contains action buttons for Approve, Decline, and Delete, as indicated below:
9. Select the Approve or Decline option from the drop-down menu and add comments as an Admin before clicking the Submit button.
10. Another alert message will appear before submitting the approval or decline, as shown below:
11. Once approved, the business user's status will change from Pending to Approved, as shown below:
12. The user will be notified via email, and the account will be set to "Active."
13. Email templates for both approved and declined statuses have been added as well.
(Administration >> Email Templates)
The user will be notified even if their request is declined by the admin, and the account will remain "Disabled."
Phone Configuration
Phone configuration settings control the display settings for the “phone” and “mobile” fields inside any form across the platform. This means when a form requests a phone number, the country code will be displayed inside the phone field.
- Click on the country flag display under ‘Preview’ to select the appropriate country
- Select the default country to match the preview
- Select your preferred countries. Multiple countries can be selected by holding Ctrl (for Windows) or Command (for Mac) then select the required countries
- Toggle ON if you would like to show the dial code for selected countries
- Toggle ON to show examples for selected countries
Registration Introductions
Control the content that is displayed to your visitors when presenting them with an option of which user type to choose for registration.
- Type your introduction for learner panel content
- Type your introduction for contractor panel content
- Type your introduction for business panel content